Campobello Whale Rescue Team
Fishermen helping fishermen: working together to make a difference.

Born out of the belief that more needed to be done, urgently, to protect the North Atlantic Right Whale from extinction, the Canadian Whale Institute has been pursuing this objective since 1997.
Our Vision is the sustainable co-existence of whales and humans.
Our Mission is to conduct and support activities to better understand and protect marine mammals and to promote awareness and responsibility for their habitats.
We believe in cooperation and shared development of solutions that allow for the sustainable coexistence of the fishing and shipping industries and the marine mammals and other sea life that inhabit the ocean.
For more information about our whale rescue work, please download our Campobello Whale Rescue Team pamphlet and poster.
Pour de plus amples informations concernant la Campobello Whale Rescue Team, veuillez consulter notre affiche et notre brochure.
The North Atlantic Right Whales will soon begin to head up the east coast to their summer grounds! Check out their current locations at WhaleMap.